
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.


1.Freshman ____ provides the incoming students with an opportunity to learn about their new environment and their place in it.

A. orientation   B. acquaintance 

C. directory   D. dictation  


2.The volcano that raised the islands are still ____ in places.

A. inactive   B. enormous C. energetic   D. lively  


3.This law is so difficult to understand that only a lawyer can ____ us.

A. enlighten   B. illustrate

C. explain   D. demonstrate  


4.The king ____ his people with terrible taxes  and punishment.

A. depressed   B. impressed C. oppressed   D. expressed  


5.I have no ____ but to listen to my boss.

A. privilege   B. respect C. priority   D. option  


6.Perhaps you are aware that I am your legal ____ till you are of age.

A. guard   B. guardian C. escort   D. supervisor  


7.Shortly after the ____ of war he was enrolled in the army.

A. outcome   B. outletC. output   D. outbreak  


8.The old man did not smoke himself and was so ____ that he did not allow his friends to smoke when they visited him.

A. intolerable   B. tolerable 

C. intolerant   D. tolerant  


9.He attends to the ____ of important business himself.

A. transition   B. transaction 

C. transformation   D. transmission  


10.The scene is so beautiful that it ____ my power of description.

A. ascends   B. descends

C. transcends   D. overtakes  


11.The two cities were connected to each other by a  ____ after flood cut them off.

A. suspension   B. diversion 

C. highway  D. harbour  


12.On hearing her son’s voice on the line, all her fears and anxiety ____.

A. retired   B. relayed

C.  dissipated   D. tightened  


13.In the 1980’s, four cities in southern China were first

 ____ as special economic zones, enjoying special policies.

A. designated   B. judged

C. emerged   D. nominated  


14.He is a man who believes in strict ____ and he seldom deviates from his principles.

A. wisdom   B. brotherhood 

C. worship   D. discipline  


15.He has been ____ with a certain form of mental disorder for twenty years.

A. afflicted   B. addicted

C. affiliated   D. consulted  


16.The city is setting about regulating the installation of ____ wires for the sake of smooth traffic and the safety of pedestrians.

A. underground   B. marine

C. acid   D. aerial  


17.Hamlet was in (a) ____ when he said “To be or not to be?”, for it is really hard for one to decide whether to die or to live!

A. consciousness   B. delight

C. dilemma   D. rage  


18.Any irresponsible explosion of nuclear weapons may bring ____ results to the environment and the mankind.

A. desirable   B. disastrous 

C. radical   D. rational  


19.Death is a ____ to everyone. God is impartial on this matter.

A. glory   B. privilege   C. destiny   D. farewell  


20.A sharp increase in military expenditure brought the cabinet a budget ___.A. deficit   B. debt C. red   D. estimation  


21.The wellequipped swimming pool is the favourite ____ of the boys in summer.

A. residence   B. site C. haunt   D. hotel  


22.Don’t mention the failure in Mary’s ____ or she will go crazy.

A. distance   B. hearing

C. range   D. neighborhood  


23.The professor had to explain the profound theory in a/an ____ language because of the audience’s poor knowledge in this field.

A. luminous   B. abstract C. dull   D. theoretical  


24.The Forbidden City, known as the former ____ palace, is still kept intact at the center of the metropolis.

A. emperor   B. imperial C. feudal   D. ancient  


25.The driver no longer ____ himself in drinking after experiencing that accident.

A. indulged   B. devoted C. immersed   D. induced  


26.Since the complex moved away, this town has only a ____ of its former population.

A. remain    B. remainder C. majority   D. remnant  


27.Malnutrition(营养不良) and hard work ____ her health and she looked thin and pale.

A. promoted   B. impaired

C. accelerated   D. smashed  


28.Some people like to ____ the old systems and traditions; others like to preserve them.

A. innovate   B. persist C. insist   D. adhere  


29.He gave us ____ consent to take the apples for he smiled when he saw us do it.

A. explicit   B. implicit

C. ambiguous   D. negative  


30.I expected her to do well in the final examination, but she has been ____ by her illness.

A. caught   B. fascinated

C. discouraged   D. handicapped






【参考译文】 大学新生熟悉环境(活动)给新生以机会让他们了解自己所处


【试题分析】 此题为词语辨析题,A、B的中文含义相近。

【详细解答】 orientation位置, 方向; 对周围环境等的熟悉,适应: She witnessed the

bee’s momentary pause for orientation before it headed back to the hive.她见到蜜蜂在回巢前暂停片刻以弄清方位。B.acquaintance相识,了解;熟人:freshman acquaintance意为大学生相互认识,与后面部分意思不够吻合。C. directory姓名地址录:a telephone directory电话号码簿。D. dictation口授,听写。A. orientation与后边learn about their new environment and  their place意思非常吻合,为最佳选择。


【参考译文】 那些使岛屿升起的火山有好几处仍是活火山。

【试题分析】 此题为形容词辨析题,选项D干扰性较强。

【详细解答】 energetic有活力的,精力旺盛的:The more he worked, the more

energetic he became.他越干越有劲。A. inactive不积极的,不活跃的,同此句中still的语气相违背。B. enormous巨大的,庞大的。D.lively活泼的,生动的:a lively descript

ion生动的描述;a lively song轻快的歌。从句中still和in places判断,C.energetic最为恰当。活火山:an active volcano。



【参考译文】 这条法律如此难懂只有律师才能给我们讲明白。

【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题,同时考动词的搭配。

【详细解答】 enlighten启发,开导,使明白:Peter thought the world was flat until I enlightened him.在我启发他之前彼得以为地球是扁平的。B.illustrate举例说

明:The story he told about her illustrates her true generosity very clearly.他

说的有关她的故事,十分清楚地显示她很慷慨。C. explain解释:explain sth. to sb.向

…解释某事。D. demonstrate示范,证明:Please demonstrate how the machine works.


trate, explain均指说明某物某事,若用在此句中,us前应加上to, demonstrate含义上有出入。A. enlighten为最佳选择。



【参考译文】 这个国王以可怕的税收和惩罚压迫他的臣民。

【试题分析】 此题为形近词辨析题,根据句意来判断。

【详细解答】 oppress压迫:No nation can be free if it oppresses other nations.压迫其它国家的国家绝对不可能有自身的解放。A. depress使沮丧。B. impress给…深刻印象。D. express表达。此句中只有C. oppress意思最符合。



【参考译文】 我只得听我老板的,别无选择。

【试题分析】 此题考固定搭配,类似的还有have no choice but to, cannot but等。

【详细解答】 option选择机会,选择权:have no option but to do不得

不做,没有选择,为固定搭配。A. privilege特权。B.respect尊重,尊敬。C. priority优先,优先权:The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those only slightly hurt.重伤者比轻伤者优先治疗。



【参考译文】 也许你认识到我是你的合法监护人,直到你到了法定年龄。

【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题,题干中“legal”为关键信息词。

【详细解答】 guardian监护人,保护者:The guardian in charge of the trees is an

 old man.守护树林者是一位老人。A. guard卫兵。C. escort护卫者,护卫:He escorted

her home.他送她回家。D. supervisor监督员。B. guardian可特指法律上的监护人,是最




【参考译文】 战争爆发不久,他就应征入伍了。

【试题分析】 此题为形近词辨析题,根据题干中的“war”很容易选出正确答案。

【详细解答】 outbreak爆发:the outbreak of war战争的爆发。A. outcome结果。B. outlet发泄:The child needs an outlet for all his energy.小孩需要有个地方发泄他的

全部能量。C. output产量。



【参考译文】 那老人自己不吸烟,对别人也不宽容,连朋友们来拜访时也不许他们吸烟。【试题分析】 此题为形近词辨析题,A、C为同根形容词。

【详细解答】 intolerant不容异己的,不宽容的:intolerant of any op

position不容许任何异议。A. intolerable不能忍受的,无法忍受的,表示被动含义,不能被忍受。B.  tolerable可被容忍的。D. tolerant宽容的,宽厚的。C. intolerant为最佳选择。


【参考译文】 他亲自负责重要的商业事务。

【试题分析】 此题为形近词辨析题,题干中“business”为关键词。

【详细解答】 transaction交易,A. transition过渡。C. transformation对人生观,自然等的改造。D. transmission传递,传输。



【参考译文】 景色如此美丽,让我简直难以形容。

【试题分析】 此题既是形近词辨析题,又是近义词辨析题。C、D为近义词。

【详细解答】 transcend超越,超过(经验、知识、能力的范围等):This article transcends any of his former ones.这篇文章超过了他以前的所有文章。A. ascend上升:

We watched the airplane ascend higher and higher.我们注视飞机越飞越高。B. descend下降:The sun slowly descended over the western hills.太阳慢慢地落于西山。D. overtake赶上并超过:to overtake Britain in steel production钢铁生产超过英国。



【参考译文】 洪水把这两座城市主要道路联系切断后,它们靠临时道路联系。

【试题分析】 此题为形近词辨析题,C、D两项根据句意较易排除。

【详细解答】 diversion临时支路,转移:diversion of attention注意

力转移。A. suspension悬吊,禁止:a suspension bridge吊桥,但suspension本身并不指吊桥。C. highway公路。D. harbour港口。答案在B、C、D之中选择,洪水把两城市切断暗示正常的道路中断,所以用临时道路联接两地比公路或海港更可能。



【参考译文】 从电话中听到儿子的声音,她的恐惧和不安才消失。

【试题分析】 此题为动词辨析题,根据句意来判断。

【详细解答】 dissipate(使)消失,浪费:dissipate one’s doubt消除疑虑。A. retire退休,也指从某地消失或回到某地:retire to his headquarters返回总部。B. relay

重铺(缆线等),中转:relay signals中转信号。D. tighten咬紧:tighten one’s lips咬紧牙关。



【参考译文】 80年代,中国南方四城市被命名为经济特区,享受特殊政策。

【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题,A、D为近义词。

【详细解答】 designate命名为。B. judge判断。C. emerge出现,不用被

动式。D. nominate提名,任命,指人事方面提候选人。



【参考译文】 他信奉严格的组织纪律,很少背离原则。

【试题分析】 此题为名词辨析题,题干中“principles”是线索词。

【详细解答】 discipline纪律。A. wisdom明智。B. brotherhood情谊。C. worship崇拜。

空格前的strict和空格后面补充的部分中的principle一词表明答案应为D。但大家更多的是要注意:dom, hood, ship三个后缀构成的多为抽象名词或集体名词。



【参考译文】 他已被某种精神疾病折磨了20年。

【试题分析】 此题为形近词辨析题,根据句意来判断。

【详细解答】 afflict折磨:be afflicted with/by war and famine受战

争与饥荒之苦。B. addict常用于被动形式,见于be addicted to, to为介词,沉迷于。C. affiliate依附于:affiliate oneself to归附于。D. consult咨询,商量:consult from an experienced expert向有经验的专家讨教。句中mental disorder(精神疾病)暗示是灾难,with从结构上暗示了选A。



【参考译文】 这个城市为了交通和行人安全正着手规范空中缆线的安装。

【试题分析】 此题为形容词辨析题,根据句意来判断。

【详细解答】 aerial空中的,空气的。A. underground地下的。B. marin

e水底的。C. acid酸的。



【参考译文】 当哈姆雷特说“是生存还是毁灭时”他正处于进退两难的困


【试题分析】 此题为名词辨析题,根据句意很容易判断。

【详细解答】 dilemma进退两难之困境。A. consciousness知觉。B.delight高兴,亦可作动词,使高兴。D. rage气愤。四个选项前都可以加in,表示心境。“To be or not to be?”是莎士比亚戏剧Hamlet中的一句名言,一般译为“生存还是毁灭”,可见当时哈姆雷特正处于生死决择的两难境地。



【参考译文】 任何不负责任的核爆炸都可能对环境和全人类带来灾难性的后果。

【试题分析】 此题为形容词辨析题,根据句意判断。

【详细解答】 disastrous灾难性的,名词形式为disaster。A. desirable

期望的,动词形式为desire。C. radical激进的,不现实的。D. rational理性的,相当于reasonable。句中irresponsible explosion of nuclear weapons暗示了结果是灾难。


【参考译文】 人终有一死,上帝在这一点上不偏不倚。

【试题分析】 此题为名词辨析题,根据句意来辨别。题干中“impartial”为关键词。

【详细解答】 destiny命运,归宿。A. glory光荣(的事)。B. privilege

特权。D. farewell告别。



【参考译文】 军事开支的急剧上升导致内阁预算赤字。

【试题分析】 此题为名词辨析题,考固定搭配。A、B、C、D中只有两项能


【详细解答】 deficit赤字:budget deficit预算亏空(赤字);deficit in trade贸

易赤字。B. debt债务。C. red多见于in red,出现赤字。D. estimation估计:budget estimation概算,预算,估计。句中sharp increase(猛增)所带来的结果不是预算估计(budget estimation)而是赤字。故选A。



【参考译文】 这个设施良好的游泳池是孩子们夏天常去的地方。

【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题,A、B、C均表示“地方”。

【详细解答】 haunt(某人)常去的地方。haunt亦可为动词即(鬼魂等)常出

没于:The castle is said to be haunted=A ghost is said  to haunt the castle.据说那城堡里有鬼。A. residence住;居留;住宅:This desirable residence is for sale.此屋出售。B. site位置;地点:a site for a new school建一新学校的地点。site只指某事发生的地点或建造某建筑物的地点,故不能和人搭配the site of the boys, 而只能说the site of the Battle of Waterloo或the site of a missile base。D. hotel旅馆。


【参考译文】 不要在玛莉能听到的范围内提这次失败,否则她会疯的。

【试题分析】 此题考固定搭配辨析,即“in one’s…”结构。

【详细解答】 hearing听力所及的范围;听觉:in one’s hearing相当于in one’s presence。A. distance距离。C. range范围(指某东西能被看到或听到的范围):the range of her voice; within the range of vision在视野之内。而within my range为在我能力范围

内。如果是in the range of her hearing也成立。D. neighborhood邻近地区:in the neighborhood of Wuhan在武汉邻近一带。



【参考译文】 由于听众对本领域了解甚少,教授不得不深入浅出地讲解深


【试题分析】 此题为形容词辨析题,但根据句意用排除法能轻易得出答案。

【详细解答】 luminous清楚的;容易了解的。B. abstract抽象的。C. dull枯燥的。D.

theoretical理论上的。句中:听众的poor knowledge in this field暗示了教授不能用B. abstract(抽象的)语言或D. theoretical(理论的)语言解释,只能用易懂的(luminous)语言解释。而C. dull(枯燥的)语言更解释不清了。



【参考译文】 故宫,也就是以前的皇宫,仍完好无损地保留在市中心。

【试题分析】 此题为形容词辨析题,要根据历史常识来判断。

【详细解答】 imperial帝国的;皇帝的。众所周知,故宫是以前皇帝的宫

殿。A. emperor皇帝。这词填入题中后语法上欠妥。C.feudal封建社会的。D.ancient




【参考译文】 经历那次车祸之后,这位司机再也不敢酗酒了。

【试题分析】 此题为搭配辨析题,B、D不能用于“…oneself in doing”


【详细解答】 indulged放任;沉溺于。indulge后常跟in。B. devoted致

力于:devote himself to science致力于科学。C. immerse oneself in sth.或be immersed in sth.专心干某事。D. induced劝诱;诱导;促使(某人做某事):What induced you to do such a thing?什么促使你干这种事?从结构上看A和C都能用,但A. indulge oneself in sth.沉溺于一些往往认为对人有害的事情中,而C. immerse oneself in sth.专心投入一项活动,专心埋头干……。本句中:drinking暗示是一种恶习,故A为最佳答案。



【参考译文】 自从工厂搬走之后,这座小镇只有一小部分人是以前的居民。

【试题分析】 此题为形近词辨析题,根据句意来判断。

【详细解答】 remnant剩下之部分;残余;剩余:a remnant of一小部分……。A. remain

剩下;遗留:Much remains to be settled.待解决的事尚多。B. remainder剩余物;剩下

的人或物。本句中:remainder必须同the搭配。the remainder相当于the rest: The people were rescued from the burning building, but the remainder/the rest/the others were still inside. C. majority多数;大半:The majority of people are for the proposal.大多数人赞成这一建议。majority与句中“only”一词相悖。D. remnant常用复数remnants of a meal;句中only a remnant of强调少,只剩下原来人口中的一小部分。



【参考译文】 营养不良和艰苦的工作损害了她的健康,她看起来身体消瘦,面色苍白。

【试题分析】 此题为动词辨析题,根据句意来判断。B、D为近义词。

【详细解答】 impaired使弱;损害。A. promoted提升;设立;促进:promote a new business company设立一家新的商行。C. accelerated加速。D. smashed痛击;打破;打垮或

打败:smash the enemy击败敌人。The former champions were completely smashed in the final.决赛中原来的冠军溃不成军。句中,她看起来苍白,清瘦,说明她的健康只是受




【参考译文】 一些人想变革旧的体制和传统,而另一些人则想保留它们。

【试题分析】 此题为动词辨析题,虽然B、C、D为近义词,但不符合句意。

【详细解答】 innovate改革;变革。与preserve(保留)相对应的词以innovate为最

佳。B. persist坚持(后接in): persist in one’s opinion固执己见。C. insist坚持(后跟on)。D. adhere坚持(后跟to): I adhere to my decision.我坚持自己的决定。



【参考译文】 他暗示我们可以拿苹果,因为他看到我们拿时笑了。

【试题分析】 此题为近义词辨析题,根据句意来判断。

【详细解答】 implicit暗示的,含蓄的。用微笑来表示赞许或同意,无疑

是一种含蓄的暗示。A. explicit明确的。C. ambiguous含混的:an ambiguous answer一个模棱两可的答案。D. negative否定的:a negative answer否定的答案。



【参考译文】 我原以为她能考好,但她受疾病的妨碍未能考好。

【试题分析】 此题为动词辨析题,根据句意来判断。

【详细解答】 handicapped为…之障碍;妨碍。A. caught(被)抓住:be caught by illness患病,但它不能清楚地表示没考好这一结果。B. fascinated使着迷:The children were fascinated by all the toys.孩子们被玩具迷住了。C. discouraged使泄气:The failure discouraged him.失败使他灰心丧气。
