

    假如你在描述某人的个性时,用了’indecisive’这个词, 那么在该词之后,可以给它下个定义。如:Jane is indecisive, that is, she can’t make up her mind. 这样读者能更好地把握Jane的个性。
    假如你写了这么一个句子:The harbor is protected by a jetty. 读者不一定明白jetty的含义。若把’jetty’之后的句号删除,加上一个破折号,补上一个短语。也就是,把原句写成:The harbor is protected by a jetty -- a wall built out into the water. 这样,读者看了你介绍的新知识,感激之情由然而生。


    当你在介绍一名马拉松运动员时,如果只写:He was a marathoner. 显得句子简单,内容单薄。若去掉’marathoner’之后的句号,再补上一个定语从句 who would run kilometers and not be weary. 效果就不同了。
    在描写一个人的外表时,如果你只写:He had a wan look. 效果就不如在其之后加上这么一句:He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill.好。


    如果只写:I hit my head on the lintel. 读者或许会问:"lintel是什么?" 如果给出相关知识:The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel. ’lintel’的意思就一目了然了。
    同样,如果只写:I sat behind him on the pillion. 读者或许会问:"pillion是什么?" 如果给出相关知识:Mark got on the motorbike, I sat behind him on the pillion, and we roared off into the night. ’pillion’的意思也就明了了。
    如果只写:Carl had a strange phobia about taking tests. 那么该句对Carl的考试恐惧感的描述不够具体。 如果给出相关信息:Just before the exam Carl’s hands shook and sweated so much that he could not hold a pen. His heart beat fast and his stomach ached, even though he knew the subject very well. He really had a strange phobia about taking tests. 读者读了之后,就会在脑子里浮现出一副Carl考试紧张的画面。


    假如你要描述热气球的上升过程,只写:The hot-air balloon took off. 读者可能只好自己想象这一过程。如果你在此之后补上:It was as buoyant in the air as a cork in water. 你的描述就要形象得多。
    如果你在描述某人的某一品行时,只写:He was not frugal. 其效果会不如:He was not frugal since he spent money so freely.
